Steve Green, Chairperson
Current Chairperson and founding
member. Moved to Chicago in 2007 and Galewood resident since 2011.
Active in multiple GN committees including the Mars Co-design Team.
Member of Rush Hospitals Community Engagement Council. Realtor with
Baird & Warner in Oak Park.
Tom Drebenstedt, Asst. Treasurer
22-year Galewoodian in a bungalow. Retired from construction management. Rebooted the Rutherford Sayre Park Advisory Council, co-steward of the Rutherford Sayre Park Natural Area, officer of the Garden Club of Galewood Montclare, created many tours/programs for Chicago Architecture Center including Bungalow Belt, Louis Sullivan, Pilsen, Humboldt Park, the 606, Galewood, and Austin. Member of teams evaluating North Avenue and Mars.
Michael Woods
Long running career as a public servant (Chief Operations Professional). Lived in Galewood for over 25 years. Enjoys volunteering and being of service as giving back is extremely important to him. Empathy, respect, courtesy, kindness and understanding are mantras he strives to live by. Everyday of existence is a teachable moment. Loves traveling, always immersing himself into the culture where he travels whether overseas or here in the USA.
John Boratto

Former construction professional, now stay at home dad to four amazing kids. Galewood resident for 8 years. Enjoys landscaping and vegetable gardening. Hobbies include keeping fresh water fish and playing disc golf.
Wanda Gilmer
Wife and Mother. Executive professional in the retirement industry and entrepreneur in the catering industry. Has a passion to assist those suffering from food insecurity. Adheres to core values of family, love, integrity, quality, and service.
Sarah Cunningham, Vice Chairperson
Illinois native. Moved to Galewood in 2014 from Cincinnati with her husband Jim. Tree Ambassador with CRTI and TreeKeeper with Openlands. Worked for Medline Industries for 24 years in Operations, Sales and Human Resources. Avid runner, cyclist and swimmer. Plays the bass flute in the St Paul Melrose Park Flute Choir.
Omar Sanchez, Treasurer
Originally from Humboldt Park Omar has the great privilege to grow up in some of Chicago's great neighborhoods. A business entrepreneur who owned a barbershop and now is a local realtor, Omar understands the need to make connections within the community to help make it stronger. A fun fact is that Omar's mom worked at the Mars candy factory for over 36 years and now and ironically he lives only a few blocks away.